1. Maryland Does Crab Cakes Like No Place In The World

Source: Flickr user adamisserlis
If Maryland is known for anything, its crab—especially blue crab. Steamed, fried, in cake-form. No matter how you have it, Maryland crab is the best.
But, let’s be honest, Maryland crab cakes are out of this world. Don’t believe me? Head to Faidley Seafood in Baltimore or the best crab cakes you’ll ever taste.
2. Forget Your Block, In Maryland Your County Is Your Family

Source: Flickr user CraigShipp.com Photos
One of the first things you’ll notice when you move to Maryland is that there is a lot of county pride—each county is really known for something unique—there are even nicknames for counties (MoCo, HoCo, PG…etc.).
When you tell people what county you’re from, it’s like telling them part of your identity. Basically, your county is your family (often, literally!).
3. If Maryland Was A Flavor It Would Be Old Bay Seasoning

Source: Flickr user Steve Snodgrass
People generally associate Old Bay Seasoning with two things: Maryland and seafood. But if you’re a true Marylander, you know that Old Bay goes on pretty much anything you can think of (um, hello, Old Bay fries and Old Bay popcorn? Amazing).
4. There’s Nothing More Maryland Than Natty Boh

Source: Flickr user sidewalk flying
National Bohemian, or as it’s known to everyone in Maryland, “Natty Boh” is how Maryland gets down. In fact, 90 percent of all Natty Boh sales are from Maryland. This will always be a Maryland beer.
After all, Mr. Boh lost his eye so this state could drink beer in peace.
5. The Baltimore Ravens Are Maryland’s Salvation

Source: Flickr user Keith Allison
It was a sad, sad day in Maryland when the Colts left Marylanders for Indianapolis. They thought they’d never get over it.
So, after a brief phase of rooting for the Redskins (it was a dark time) Marylanders were finally blessed with an awesome, super-bowl-worthy football team: The Ravens (yes, named after Poe’s Raven…one more win for the lit geeks of Maryland!).
6. So, Naturally, All Marylanders Will Resent The Colts Forever
There is some serious hatred for The Colts in Maryland. After they abandoned Maryland for Indianapolis, there is absolutely no reason anyone in Maryland in his or her right mind would still root for them.
7. The Baltimore Orioles Are “O”-Mazing

Source: Flickr user Keith Allison
The Oriole’s are O-tastic—and everyone in the state of Maryland knows this.
Maryland is responsible for that wonderful National Anthem we all sing at the beginning of sports events, afterall. “O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave…”
8. Everyone In Maryland Has A Favorite Musical, And That Musical Is “Hairspray,” Hon!

Source: Flickr user Bev Sykes
If you’re going to be a Marylander, you should probably memorize the soundtrack to “Hairspray.” In school, you learn the lyrics to “Good Morning, Baltimore” before you learn your ABCs. True story.
So, get ready to be singing show tunes to represent the awesomeness of being a hon in Maryland!
9. Speaking of Hons… If You Want To Fit In You Have To Learn The Maryland Lingo
If you’re moving to Maryland, get ready to call everyone and their mother “Hon”—it’s just the polite, Maryland way to refer to a lady.
And while on the topic of things Marylanders say. No. 1: It’s not Maryland. It’s Mare-lin. Like Marilyn, kind of. And nobody washes their hands. They “warsh” them.
Got it, hon? Good.
10. Icy Delights’ Snowballs In the Summer Make Marylander’s World Go Round

Source: Facebook user Icy Delights
Until you’ve tried an Icy Delight’s Snowball, you haven’t really lived. Icy Delights has a ton of unique flavors to choose from and are the epitome of a summer day in Maryland. Nice try, Rita’s but nothing beats homemade Icy Delights!
11. Ledo’s Pizza Is The Best Thing Since Sliced Square Pizza

Source: Facebook user Ledo Pizza
All Marylanders can agree that Ledo’s square-shaped pizza is out of this world. You don’t know Maryland until you indulge in Ledo’s. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
12. Maryland Is Home To A Baseball Battlefield

Source: Facebook user United States Naval Academy
The United States Naval Academy is located in Annapolis. So, as you can imagine, Maryland has some serious Navy love.
This also means the US Army-Navy game one of the state’s favorite sporting events. In case you were wondering, Navy leads in this annual tradition, 58-49. But the real winner of this game… America, obviously!
13. Maryland Has One Seriously Spicy Rivalry

Source: Facebook user J.O. Spice
Remeber when i said Old Bay is the flavor of Maryland, well…. thats really only half the story.
Old Bay definitely is some Marylanders favorite spice, but for indie spice lovers it’s all about J.O.
The population is split about 50/50 on who prefers Old Bay and who prefers J.O. Spice. And while J.O. is definitely lesser known, this family business has been spicing up Maryland since 1945.
14. Sunrises on Maryland Beaches Will Make You Cry Tears With Angel Wings

Source: Flickr user fahringerbrock
Regardless of where you watch the sunrise from a Maryland beach, you will NOT be disappointed. There’s no better place in the world to watch the sun come up over the water. Whether you go to Ocean City, North Beach, or Assateague (yes, this is the best place to watch it, but we’ll get to that in a minute…) you’re going to feel blessed. After all, Maryland’s beaches are the cleanest, nicest beaches in the U.S.
15. The Real Bronies Live In Maryland

Source: Flickr user m01229
Maryland is home to not one, but two, wild islands—Assateague and Chincoteague Islands. These islands are both filled with wildlife, oysters, biking and, of course beautiful, quiet, clean beaches.
However, that’s not all. These islands are also home to wild ponies! Like, straight out of the best dream of your life, wild ponies appear on the beach. No joke.
16. Maryland Has Free Books For Everyone!

Source: Facebook User The Book Thing Of Baltimore
The Book Thing Of Baltimore is like heaven on earth for literary geeks: it’s a bookstore with thousands of free books. Yes, free books. Stacks and stacks of, ’em.
This non-profit, volunteer driven bookstore has one goal: to make sure books get into the hands of book lovers for no cost. That’s just the way Maryland works.
So get your lit geek on at The Book Thing of Baltimore.
17. There is Nothing Lax About John Hopkins’ Lacrosse Team

Source: Facebook user Johns Hokins Lacrosse
Lacrosse is Maryland’s official state team sport. Which explains all of the lax bros with lax sticks tattooed on their chests (really…).
While everyone loves watching any and all Maryland colleges play lacrosse, there’s no doubt about it: Johns Hopkins is, by far, the best lacrosse team in the state and the most loved.
So if you’re moving to Maryland, get ready to play (or at least watch) some lax, brah.
18. You Can’t Help But Cheer For Maryland’s University Sports Teams

Source: Facebook User University of Maryland
Maryland has some great college sports teams, and even more enthusiastic fans. Don’t believe us? Head to any University of Maryland, Loyola Maryland, or Johns Hopkins sporting events and you will witness the insane fandom first hand.
No matter which college you root for, there’s nothing like rooting on your Maryland college sports!
19. The Fresh Fruit On Maryland’s Farms Will Change Your Life Forever

Source: Facebook user Baugher’s Orchard and Farm
Maryland is full of farmland. And that farmland is filled with delicious fruit: apples, cherries, peaches, blueberries, you name it.
Maryland is proud of it’s farm-to-table attitude and either grow their own fruit, or buy local. Because, why outsource when the freshest fruit is right here?
A local favorite? Baugher’s Orchards. Go apple picking here and make the best apple pie you’ll ever taste.
20. Find Something Bizarre At Baltimore’s Bazaar

Source: Facebook use Baltimore Farmers Market and Bazaar
The Baltimore Farmers Market and Bazaar is not only filled with fresh, local produce but also really crazy, weird, unique arts, crafts, jewelry, clothes, second-hand furniture, etc.
Basically, if you’re looking for something unique or quirky, head to the Baltimore Bazaar and be pleasantly surprised!
21. Heavy Seas Brewing Company Is A Local Brew Worth Toasting To

Source: Facebook user Heavy Seas Alehouse
There are few things Marylanders love more than a good local brew. So, when breweries like Heavy Seas do their thing, Marylanders raise their glasses.
Take a tour at Heavy Seas brewery or head to Heavy Seas Ale House for incredible food with your amazing, Maryland-brewed beer.
22. The Breakfast Sandwiches At THB’s Are Seriously Worth Waking Up For

Source: Facebook user Towson Hot Bagels
Towson Hot Bagels knows how to make a breakfast sandwich and we are oh-so glad they do.
Going to THB’s on a Saturday morning is like heaven on earth. THB’s is part of the reason any Marylander is glad to be from Maryland. Put a little J.O. spice on it and you’re good to go!
23. Quoth The Raven, Nevermore…

Source: Wikimedia user midnightdreary
The literary giant, Edgar Allen Poe, wrote many of his most famous short stories, poems, and science fiction in Baltimore. His writing inspired poets and playwrights all over the city, and a love for Poe extends throughout the state.
He was buried in Baltimore and, for almost seven decades, a mysterious “Poe toaster” would come to the grave on Poe’s birthday, pour a shot of cognac, and raise a toast to Poe, leaving only an unfinished bottle of cognac and some red roses behind at the gravesite.
This went on for 75 years until the tradition ended in 2006 for an unknown reason, but all Marylanders like to think one day the “Poe toaster” will return…
24. Maryland’s State Flag Is Better Than Your State Flag. Definitely

Source: Flickr user marabuchi
Marylanders have a lot of state flag pride… and we can see why. It’s freakin’ glorious.
No other state in the country has a flag that looks like it just came straight out of “Game of Thrones.” Seriously. This is probably why Marylanders make sure to have a ton of state flag paraphernalia on them at all times.
What do you love about living in Maryland? Leave a comment and let us know!