The secret is out!
The secret is out! J.O. is known in the crab establishments as THE spice to use to steam crabs. Through loyal customers, word-of-mouth advertising and Facebook shares by said loyal customers – people are learning that the key to getting that same great restaurant taste is to use J.O. Spice!
The new shirt -in design phase – is getting as many comments as the Say No to Pot shirts (which just came into the retail store in awesome summer colors at $14.95 so come for a visit!). When we get the new shirts in, they will go fast but keep checking Facebook – Facebook is always the first to know! Like us – the secret is out in all aspects of J.O. Spice’s Facebook page and keeps one in the know and up-to-date!
Where did you first learn of J.O. Spice? Let us know in the comments section of Facebook! We love to hear how we’ve changed the life of another loyal customer! We also love to know how you’re using J.O. Spice to enliven, freshen and enjoy your recipes! Chicken salad, potato salad, eggs, French fries, popcorn, fried chicken, and tomatoes are just a few of the items that become even better with a little extra spice!
Enjoy knowing the secret!
Have fun spreading the secret out there,
🙂 Pamela