J.O. Spice Company, Inc. was established in 1945 by J.O. (James Ozzle) Strigle and his wife Dot. J.O. was born and raised on Tangier Island, Virginia, a small island in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay where everyone’s livelihood depended on seafood… whether it be crabs, fish or oysters. The island’s shoremen would take spices from the pantry and blend them based on recipes, which had been handed down through the centuries to cook wonderful dishes of steamed crabs, fish, oysters and clams.

J.O. decided it would be an excellent idea to market the blends handed down to him. J.O. and Dot opened their own business in a small storefront in Baltimore City. There, they mixed spices in a porcelain basin and took them to the nearby wholesale fish and seafood market for sale to the market’s customers.
In just a few years the business grew and J.O. seasonings became very sought after products by the wholesale seafood industry, crab houses and restaurants for the new steamed crab industry.
In addition to supplying an excellent product at a reasonable price, J.O. ALWAYS MADE THE CUSTOMER THE COMPANY’S NO. 1 PRIORITY. He would say, “If we don’t look out for our customers someone else will.” This has remained the mission of the company: GIVE THE CUSTOMER WHAT THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT IT.
J.O. passed away in 1974 and the operation was continued by Dot until her retirement. The company has remained a family operation with her daughter, Jane, and grandson Donald, as owners who take great pride in the company’s commitment to providing Fast, Friendly, Personalized Service and “supplying seasonings and spices at reasonable prices.”
“Dad and Mom worked very hard for many years to make the J.O. Brand stand for the best in both products and service. It is our commitment to continue this tradition.”
Jane McPhaul
Daughter and CEO
Don Ports, Jr.
Grandson and President

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